I'm still alive all tho' from last post has been ages.
I have been thinking about getting active with my blog again since my life has gotten interesting turns and twist, ups and downs.
First of all, I have decided to start writing in English. Mostly because it is possible to attract wider group of readers. Note to all tho', my english is far from perfect as it is not my mother language and I'm just not perfect at it. But I'm gonna do my best and forgive me.
So, just because there might be few new readers, I'm gonna give you a quick brief about the gal who is behind this laptop screen.
I am twenty-something gal from Finland, now living in Ireland. I moved to Ireland after the love of my life last August (2016).
I got diagnosed with asthma several years ago and only two years ago I got heavy diagnose, emphysema.
I have had very bad anorexia when I was 19 yrs old.
Mostly I am writing this blog for myself, to lighten my mind, get all the heavy stuff out. And hopefully inspiring people with their own chronic illness battles.
I am very passionate about photographing, jogging and also going to the gym.
I love good food that is healthy.
I used to be lacto-ovo-vegetarian for 5 yrs ages ago, but I got so bad anemia that I started to eat chicken and fish.
What I am posting will be about healthy life, gym, food and also telling my everyday stories what it is like to live with quite bad asthma, emphysema and anorexia past.
There is no day that life would be easy, I can guarantee you that.
I will also post photos of myself, food, places...pretty much of everything. So beware! Haha.
Allright, long story short, I'll post soon enough more updates about my big move from Finland to Ireland and how the past almost 3 months have been.
I'm currently having a very bad flu so my every-day-life is quite hard at the moments right now.
(When in flu, wear your most comfy and warm clothes)
If you ever have any questions that you would like to ask, don't hesitate to ask! I'd be happy to answer to the best I can to your questions about these illnesses or whatever it is that is on your mind. And feel free to leave comments. :)
Until next time. :)